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We would like to thank you for choosing Agenshark - Startup Agency HTML
Getting started
Agenshark is a modern Responsive Multi-Purpose Multi-Page NextJs template.
Download project, open in a text editor (vscode) open terminal change directory to the project directory and write the command npm install and then press enter then npm run dev to start project.
Template Features
Bootstrap v5.x
Custom Icon
Popular npm package
04 Awesome Homepage
Responsive Design
Pixel Perfect Design
Clean Code & Unique Design
Easy to Customize
Component Based Design
WOW js Animation
What's Included
After purchasing Agenshark NextJs template on with your
account, go to your
Download page. You can choose to download Agenshark template package which
contains the following files:
The contents of the template package downloaded from ThemeForest
main file - Containing Full Template.
documentation - This folder contains what you are
reading now :)
Template Structures
SRC Folder - This is the parent folder of the project.
APP Folder - Inside src folder It contains all the
SASS & Styles Folder - Inside App folder sass & styles
contains all the styles for the project.
Component Folder - Inside src folder It contains all
the components that required for the project.
package.json file - All dependencies and scripts &
projcet records are there.
public folder - Contains all static assets like image,
audio, video, fonts etc.
favicon.ico - It is in the root files.
Project Structure
This template is a fixed layout with four columns. The main contents are
inside the 'body' tag divided into different section (i.e. header, banner,
services,... footer etc.). The general template structure is the same
throughout the template. Here is the general structure.
Carefully collect the source name of the image (i.e. hero.jpg)
Open the file called images from public -> assets folder.
Find the particular image file.
Replace the file with your image.
Make sure that the file name does not change.The file name should be
the same.
Suppose you want to change the following image
Images seen in the live preview are only set for preview purposes.
They are not included in the download files.
Changing Brand Logo
To change any images of the website
Carefully collect the source name of the image (i.e.
Open the file called images from public -> assets folder.
Find the particular image file.
Replace the file with your image.
Make sure that the file name does not change.The file name
should be the same.
Suppose you want to change the following
image file for change your logo:
Changing Colors
We have used
for this project to write css. If
you are familiar with
you should customize
only the
files. Please make sure you compile
file after you have made changes in
any of the
style.scss file.